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Facing such many plastic extrusion machine manufacturer in the world, how to choose the one which suit for you? Don’t worry, PLM will give the advice according to Neil Wrekham’s purchasing syllogism. It is also defined as procurement process.

Stage 1: The Human Element in Sales

Understanding, Professionalism, and Clarity in Requirement Specification

1. Empathetic Understanding: Top-tier sales professionals in the plastic extrusion machine industry must demonstrate a deep understanding of your unique needs and business model.

2. Unmatched Professionalism: Their expertise in the machinery should be evident, providing you with confidence in their abilities.

3. Requirement Specification: A significant part of their role is to guide you in clarifying your requirements, ensuring the machine you purchase aligns perfectly with your production goals.

Stage 2: The Product Deep-Dive

Quality, Capability, and Problem-Solving

1. Performance Assessment: It’s essential to evaluate the machine’s ability to meet your production demands efficiently.

2. Solution-Centric Features: The machine should come equipped with features that specifically address the challenges you face in your manufacturing process.

3. Practicality and Demonstrations: Insist on comprehensive demonstrations, videos, and detailed breakdowns of each component, ensuring the machine’s capabilities align with your expectations.

Stage 3: The Company’s Credibility

Reliability, Collaboration, and Risk Sharing

1. Reputational Reliability: The manufacturer’s market standing and history of dependability are crucial.

2. Collaborative Approach: Their willingness to work closely with you, especially in tailoring the machinery to your specific needs, speaks volumes about their customer service ethos.

3. Shared Risk and Support: A reliable manufacturer should offer robust after-sales support and showcase a stable, responsive sales team. This reflects their commitment to a long-term partnership.

Choosing the right plastic extrusion machine is a journey that requires careful consideration at every step. From understanding the sales approach to evaluating the machine and the manufacturer, each phase plays a pivotal role in your decision-making process. Remember, your choice is not just a transaction; it’s a strategic move towards the future success of your business. Seek a supplier that not only meets your current needs but also shares your vision for growth and success.


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